Week 7 - Earth Art

So this week I went outside to see what I could find. Immediately, I saw these clovers and knew I wanted to do something with them. I wanted a contrast between the bright green of the clovers, so I used some dirt and a wheelbarrow to make that contrast. This took me about an hour since I went on a walk beforehand to get some inspiration. Here's the final product!


  1. I like your use of the clovers they really bring out the color of everything around them. The clovers seem to pop out of the picture. You did a really good job.

  2. Very creative, it looks like a cute turtle! Good job with those contrasts.

  3. I love how you placed the clovers, the contrast between the green, and the grey and brown is very strong. Great job.

  4. This is so pretty! I love how you used your imagination to create something so cool. I think you did a wonderful job.

  5. Like Oh M Goodness!!
    How cute!!
    I really loved it when you used small pieces of wood and dead leaves and make a circle, and used leaf clovers inside using a specific pattern!
    The clovers pop out in a way because you used neutral colors to create the circle, but then used a hue like green and it sort of pops out!
    Your creative!
    Nice work!

  6. This is really good. I like how the greens seems to make everything even brighter. It looks like a cool compass. Good JOB!!

  7. This is a very unique piece of art work! I love it tho because it symbolizes earth! Very gorgeous!


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